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Workshop: Design and get involved in the next H2020 bioenergy proposals
13. september 2017 @ 08:30 - 16:30
GratisWORKSHOP – Leopold Hotel Brussels EU, 13 September 2017
START building your consortium with excellent partners in the field of bioenergy NOW
A dedicated workshop/brokerage event on project generation in the field of bioenergy is organised in Brussels (venue tbd) by SINTEF and the Research Council of Norway, in cooperation with a multi-disciplinary team represented by Norwegian and European actors.
The aim of this event is to generate and develop projects responding to the bioenergy challenges addressed by the Horizon 2020 framework programme for the time frame 2018-2019, by connecting industry, the scientific community, and the public sector. It will provide a unique opportunity to make new contacts, establish new partnerships and develop projects in a multisector approach.
This event targets a wide spectrum of participants with complementary skills, both in terms of expertise as well as project roles (from project participants to project coordinators, via project idea owners). It targets the following groups:
- Norwegian bioenergy community
- European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) JP Bioenergy
- European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) Bioenergy
- European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)
The workshop/brokerage event is planned as a full-day event, focusing on relevant bioenergy topics addressing stationary bioenergy (heating, power, and cooling), bioenergy carriers and biofuels. You can find detailed information on the topics here.
After an initial presentation of the relevant topics, there will be parallel working group sessions focusing on distinct topics, with the participation of National Contact Points for H2020 Energy to support and advice during the discussions.
In order to make the workshop efficient, structured and successful, the participants are invited to provide an outline of their project ideas/expertise and/or challenges prior to the event by filling in this form and sending it to [email protected] no later than 5 September.
The event is free of charge, registration mandatory! Online registration on this page. Registration deadline: 31 August.
Please note:
- Due to the size of the meeting room (~40), registrations will be accepted on a «first come-first served» basis and a preselection of project ideas.
- As soon as the venue is confirmed all registered participants will be notified.
For further information, please contact
08:30 Registration and welcome coffee/tea
09:00 Introduction: setting the scene
09:30 Presentation of relevant H2020 bioenergy topics
10:15 Coffee/Tea
10:45 Pitching of project ideas
11:30 Working group session 1
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Working group session 2
15:00 Working group session 3
16:15 Summary and next steps
16:30 Closing
The workshop will take place in Brussels, at the Leopold Hotel Brussels EU on Rue du Luxembourg 35.
If you need a hotel room in Brussels from 12-13 September, you can book a room at this hotel at a discounted rate (€140 for a single room, including breakfast or €160 for a double room, including breakfast) by filling in this form and sending it to [email protected] by 31 August.